Friday 6 December 2013

Ever so sorry, I forgot to introduce myself

Forgive my rudeness, and for the purpose of this blog, you may call me G.
I'm 23 and live in the middle of nowhere, UK. (It's a real place, honest.)
I have 2 sisters (I am the eldest, whether or not I am also the wisest is a point of contention) and live with my mum, dad, a few labradors and a springer spaniel.

I have it on good authority (ahem, cheers dad) that I can be outspoken, and "overexcitable" - and as a result I tend to get a bit ranty about things. I hope this quality means that I make an entertaining read.
However, despite my alleged "bolshy" nature, I am quite quiet, terrified of what people think of me, and would rather read a book or four than go out clubbing. Viva la antisocial revoluçion! (That may be a bit of a Franglais/Spanglish crossover there, I do apologise).

Naturally, given my slightly sheltered existence, I'm a bit of a nerd. Well that and my dad is too. I'm his go-to for all things Star Wars/Trek, Lord of the Rings-y, and the one he takes to watch Rugby. He doesn't need a son, really. I spend a fair amount of time browsing the interwebs (ahem, Pinterest), had a couple of Tumblr accounts before I realised I was losing my soul to the hilariously weird people that dwell there and had to leave.
I guess that's probably why I'm writing a blog, instead of... Well... Being that girl who went to the RCN conference this year and sharing my experiences that way.
God, I would hate that. All those eyes looking at you. And I doubt my ugly mug would be allowed on a stage anyway.

Umm anything else?

I can drive (naturally given the whole living in the middle of nowhere thing), and have been the proud owners of three cars since I was 17.
My first car was called Betty, and she was a purple S-Reg Fiat Seicento with no power steering so
handled like a damn arctic lorry. She got sold to a friend of the family when I passed my test and Dad decided that maybe I needed something with a bit more oomph!
My second car was a turquoisey coloured Corsa, called Neville. He was wonderful, and got me through all my placements and is now owned by my baby sister.
My new car is a bright green Mazda called Bruce, who I have only had since September but am mildly infatuated with. He's lovely.

I have an iPhone (yeah yeah, I know BOOOO! HISSSSS! iPhones are the devils work etcetc). I don't care, my life is easier with this gadget, and considering their reputation for being a bit flimsy and easily broken, and my inherent proclivity for clumsiness and general tomfoolery, I *touch wood* have not yet broken it. My case has a few dents and scrapes, but that appears to be it.
If I break my phone now, I wholeheartedly blame the internet. A thousand curses upon you!

I like hats, and. I have brought 3 this year in preparation for winter, as I am determined that we will have a white christmas!

I appear to be running out of things to say, so shall leave it at that for now.

Toodle bye! :)

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